Sunday 22 March 2009

Evaluation Summary

For our coursework we have had to create an evaluation. In previous years this has been a 2000 word essay but due to our new syllabus, we have been given the option to create a video evaluation. Our group decided to take this on and we worked as a group and set out our answers according to the questions we had been given.

The main focus of the evaluation was what technologies we had used and how they helped us. We spoke about the blogs' we had made, the editing suite we used, and the technology we used for filming. We also spoke about what company we thought would distribute our product and we spoke about how we challenged codes and conventions of a thriller film.

All in all, i think the evaluation was successful as we all had an input into each answer and i think that was the main positive of our group throughout this project. We all contributed in our own ways and i think that's what has made our work a success.

Monday 16 March 2009

Monday 23 February 2009

Our Filming So Far

We have decided as a group to create a post in which we can update when we last filmed for our project. The idea of this being after we have filmed we can talk about what we feel went well and what didn't go so well. Also we can talk about what we have gained by filming a certain sequence whether that be good parts we can use for the film or extras we can use in an out-take part on our final film.

Wednesday 4th February

Today we went to stuarts house and started our production. We decided because of the bad weather that we would only film the start of the film as we did no want to damage the equiptment. We filmed our first 6 scenes leaving us with another 8 to do the next time we can film. We have filmed all the scenes with our main character, Luke. The next chance we can film we will get our other two characters and film their scenes.

Tuesday 10th February

Today we managed to film the rest of our production today as we had all of our actors available
Now we hav all our scenes we can capture them and start to edit our final production.

Monday 19 January 2009

Task 9: Production

These are the items we will need for filming;

  • 3x DV tapes
  • Camera + Battery + Tripod
  • Refreshments for the actors
  • A vacated house
  • A bed

This is our filming schedule;

When: Wednesday 4th February - 13:30 - 14:30
Who: Luke
What: All scenes Luke is in

When: Saturday 10th January - 9:00 - 14:00
Who: Gary and Louissa
What: During this period we will film the parts of the film which include the characters we have not yet used

Task8: Casting

For our film we have chose 3 characters.

Name: Luke AKA Drunk Wife Beater
Age: 24
Job: Till worker

Name: Gary AKA the cheat
Age: 22
Job: P.E teacher

Name: Louissa AKA The Cheating Wife
Age: 23
Job: Receptionist

Task 7: Role Allocation

For our thriller film as a group we needed to decide who would do what in terms of making our production (film). Between us we have decided on these roles;

Matt- Director

Stuart- Editor

Jack- Filming

We have chosen these ideas because of what we found out from making our preliminary tasks.
During this task we found that Matt was a good leader in the team and could work out what needed to be filmed and how. We found that Stuart was very good in the editing suite . He created a short trailer based on star wars which worked out to be one of the best in the class. Finally I found that I was good with the camera in my hands. I felt comfortable trying some of the harder shots such as shot reverse shots and the 180' Rule shots. Because of this we have decided on these role allocations.

Task 6: Story Board

This is the story board we have come up with.

Scene 1: Our main character will walk drunkenly up the stairs (POV)
Scene 2: The same character will turn the corner and put his hand on the door handle.
Scene 3: This will be a match on action shot of the previous scene as the character opens the door and stumbles through
Scene 4: This will be a the same shot as the previous one, only from 180 degree's of the previous shot.
Scene 5: The main character will stare blankly at his wife and the man she has been cheating with
Scene 6: The main character will shout at the man in the room and he will scramble across the bed whilst the main character directs a punch at him
Scene 7: The main character will tell his wife to get up
Scene 8: He will advance on his wife and they will come face to face
Scene 9: The main character will swing a punch at his wife but the titles will roll as he is about to make contact/